Monday, October 1, 2012

"Eaten Alive"

Pastel on Mi-Teintes paper, 2012

Artist's statement:

During daylight hours the fantail or piwakawaka (Rhipidura fuliginosa) are almost never still, and nor are they shy. You’ll often observe them flitting within a few metres of people, and in doing so they are able to catch any small flying insects that may have been disturbed by human presence.
The unfortunate victim on this occasion is an endemic vigilant mosquito (Culex pervigilans), one of the 16 species of mosquito now found in New Zealand. Twelve of these (including the vigilant) are natives, while four have been introduced inadvertently by man.

Available as a quality limited edition giclee print on either canvas or acid-free paper, email me at for further details.

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